Support & Spares

Edwin Solheim

A solution to reducing gas flaring and increasing efficiency.

Gas flaring remains a dark chapter for oil companies, contributing to excessive CO2 emissions and energy waste. But does it have to be this way?

Flaring of gas during oil production leads to environmental pollution and wasted energy resources. It also results in inefficiencies, high operational costs, and regulatory compliance issues.  

Meet PG at Navalshore in Rio de Janeiro august 20. - 22. 2024

Meet up with PG Flow Solutions and our agent MACNOR MARINE at NAVALSHORE - learn more about our...

PG Flow Solutions partners with Ruhrpumpen for the Norwegian market

PG Flow Solutions AS is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Ruhrpumpen, a globally...

Introducing PG FLOW SOLUTIONS' Fire Suppression Systems Department

In a strategic move that underscores our commitment to safety and innovation, we are thrilled to...

PG Flow Solutions enters dewatering segment - acquires share of Lange Lyche Teknisk AS

Sande i Vestfold in Norway, 23rd. of March 2023 - Pump specialist PG Flow Solutions has acquired a...