Gas flaring remains a dark chapter for oil companies, contributing to excessive CO2 emissions and energy waste. But does it have to be this way?
Flaring of gas during oil production leads to environmental pollution and wasted energy resources. It also results in inefficiencies, high operational costs, and regulatory compliance issues.
Flaring is the process of burning off excess or waste natural gas that cannot be processed or captured during oil production. Oil companies and installations resort to flaring for reasons such as safety, regulatory compliance, lack of infrastructure, and operational needs. This practice helps prevent dangerous pressure buildup, control emissions, dispose of gas when infrastructure is lacking, and manage sudden surges in production or emergencies. Despite its necessity in certain situations, flaring is a significant environmental concern due to the release of greenhouse gases.
“For us at PG Flow Solutions this makes no sense, as we believe this is no longer necessary”, says Kjetil Vatne, Technical and R&D manager at PG Flow Solutions, adding that “- For decades we have delivered multiphase compressors suitable for recovery of flare gas."
Using PG Flow Solutions’ multiphase pump solutions can eliminate methane flaring, handle unpredictable flows efficiently, reduce emissions, and improve production efficiency. These solutions offer process flexibility, less complexity, fast payback, prolonged lifecycle of oil wells, reduced total cost of ownership, and improved production with reduced environmental impact. By implementing multiphase pump solutions, companies can reduce flaring, minimize environmental damage, and optimize resource utilization, promoting sustainability in the oil and gas industry.
The Multiphase compressors are volumetric machines and can achieve high compression ratios (120 bar).

Most of the compression heat follows the liquid phase and can be utilized where high temperature is needed to achieve an even higher production efficiency. The gas can be compressed and reinjected to the gas production process. On production platforms without gas export the compressed gas can be treated and used for power generation.
In close cooperate with long time pump-partner ITT Bornemann, PG Flow Solutions develops bespoke pump solutions to suit any installation.
For more information about PG’s Multiphase pump solutions, please contact our team of experts for an insightful talk on the best solutions for your challenge.
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